emergency dentist toothache photo

Same-day appointments

We always reserve special spaces for patients who need to see our emergency dentists immediately. Call us on 01202 973 300. Our emergency dentists charge £85 for an appointment that includes X-rays, pain relief and anaesthetic. – and we’re based in Poole, BH15.

be seen today

Check our online diary to learn our availability and to book an emergency appointment for the next day, or when you’re next available.


If you’re trying to book an emergency and our practice is closed for the day, email us at reception@dorsetdental.co.uk, and we’ll respond to your enquiry at 8.30 am the next morning.

Immediate Pain Relief

As your Emergency Dentist, we will work hard to get you out of pain. Our service covers all of the usual Toothache, Swelling, Broken Teeth, Trauma or Lost Crowns, fillings or Bridges.

Dental emergencies we can handle with ease

If you have tooth pain that cannot be relieved with over-the-counter pain relief medications or unbearable, throbbing pain that persists for more than two days, you should consider your problem a dental emergency and seek care as soon as possible.

We always aim to see patients in pain the same day as their call, so please do reach out if you’re uncomfortable and need help. If you’re a nervous patient, you can rest assured that we also offer dental sedation to help you feel more relaxed during your appointment.

Dental emergencies we can handle with ease
Emergency dentists who offer more

Emergency dentists who offer more

Did you know we’re one of the best-value emergency dentists in Dorset? Our emergency appointments are charged at £85.00 – and you will be seen today. 40% less expensive than other dental practices in the area.

Included in your emergency appointment:

  • Diagnosis and assessment
  • X-rays, pain relief and anaesthetic
  • Prescriptions and next-step treatment plans

That said, our cheaper fees do not reflect the quality of our work or our dental experience. Our emergency dentists are some of the best in the UK and have been awarded prestigious titles for their work with missing teeth cases, for example.

2 minutes from Poole Station

  • Our address: 3 Longfleet Road, Poole. Get directions.
  • Opening hours: Monday-Saturday: 8.30 am to 5 pm.
  • Parking is available in the Shoppers Car Park, Serpentine Ln.
  • Over 200 five-star reviews on Google. See all.

“Wow, what an amazing experience. I’m so nervous about the dentist and had put off going until it got to the point I couldn’t. I found this dental practice by chance as I rang around on a Saturday for an emergency appointment and I’m so glad I came across them.” – Karina, BH15
