A smile design is a dental procedure which artistically creates straighter, whiter and beautiful natural looking smiles. Smile designs can do wonders to fully restore your dental health and appearance regardless of the original state of your existing teeth.
A smile designer revitalises your smile in a longer-lasting way than Botox or other temporary measures. A smile design is an important investment in your overall appearance.
Age decreases our smile due to wear, chipping and discolouration. This can happen gradually and can be very embarrassing. Smile enhancement can make you smile again.
Some smile designs only require Porcelain Veneers.
Other smile designs will require a combination of Porcelain Veneers and Porcelain Crowns. Porcelain crowns are chosen when teeth are weak, such as endodontically treated teeth or teeth with large old restorations (like large old crowns).
Sometimes, teeth are missing in the smile zone. This may then require an implant to be placed, and multiple missing anterior teeth may require multiple implants or an implant-supported denture to make the completed smile designs.
If too much gum tissue is showing or the gums are uneven when you smile, then a “gum lift” is done with lasers to reduce the amount of gum showing.
If only a few teeth are veneered, then the other teeth are whitened before the smile design is completed. This makes sure that the smile is enhanced and brightened.
Our team will work with you to customise and plan your smile design. An initial consultation is arranged to make sure you achieve your cosmetic dental goals and resolve your underlying dental problems.
The timeline can be planned so as to minimise the number of appointments and to make sure your smile is completed if you have a time restriction for a special social function (wedding, engagement, wedding anniversary, graduation, etc.).
All other dental diseases are treated first, including dental hygiene visits.
Patients are encouraged to bring with them photos of when they were younger or photos of their favourite smiles from actors and actresses.
A plan is in place before any teeth are prepared.
No two cases are alike. Our team will create a customised smile, especially for you.
For someone who wants to look younger, a smile design can take years off of your appearance.
If you want to have more confidence when you smile.
Someone who cares how they look and wants to make an investment in their dental health.
Anyone who wants to invest in their dental health and in their overall future.